Saturday, 31 January 2009


So as you can imagine there's not a huge amount to do at night here on base. Usually we watch movies or play games, but once you've done that 3 or 4 nights in a row it tends to get a little repetitive. Sometimes the youth leaders here organise something a little bit different to do at weekends. Tonight we had a heros and sheros night. Each of the adults was supposed to dress up as a hero or shero and choose either to be a sitter, runner or hider. If you chose to be a runner your job was to run away from the kids all night trying not to let them catch you. If you were a hider or a sitter your job was to do exactly what it says on the tin, either sit or hide. Once the kids caught you they got points for their team and the winner was announced at the end of the night. It was good fun and and just something a little bit different. Just in case you were wondering, Martina dressed up as a geek and was a sitter with Annika. Simon and I were running ninja's. I wasn't very successful, all my points were given out in the first 15 minutes.

Everything else is going good. I've settled back into a routine after my parents left and am "enjoying" teaching.  On monday we all head to the local hotel to watch the superbowl (not that i even know what that is, but I'm going anyway). 


Emma x


Ali said...

hey emma... your photos are AMAZING! tis really good to see all you are gettin up to. im jealous. final year psych is not much fun. hope you have an awesome five months more in PNG. x

Gregg said...

Good to read that your settling in well, Emma. Even heading out fishing on the sea, as well as being a fisher of souls. I am sure doing what you enjoy doing teaching the Children on the mission camp will make the days on base seem so much shorter for you. Where you cheering on Pittsburge the winning team in the superbowl today? Not that I know anything about American football. Every blessing, Emma. I will always keep praying for you
1 Chronicles 16:24 -- "Declare (the Lord God's) his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples

What? said...

ah greeg you're funny.
keep fishin' emma, keep reeling them in.